Frequent topic: My dad pissing me off and screwing up my life..
Just got off another session from dad almighty..
1. I have to him him the benefit of the doubt because he has never lied to me.
2. If i don't accept his opinions, he'll just have to force them on me.
3. I have to report to him on every single tiny errand he gives (eg. report after i clear my shelf)
4. I must have the discipline to improve my memory and remember all his errands and to report after
5. I'm under his control when i'm living in his house and til i'm 21.
6. Always check if there is any of his coffee left in the hse. if not, buy.
7. Never assume any of his thoughts. bug him all day asking for everything.
And the list goes on..i'll add it on as we go along..
pretty exciting huh?