Ok back from Thailand. Apologies to those i didn't buy anything for.
It wasn't a very pleasant trip, i admit.
Comes to show how much people disregard me.
Though i may not be the girlish type, does not mean i am different in any way.
Don't think i have offended anyone without them offending me in the first place.
So yeah, i have no regrets bout any of my actions.
Seriously, if i get on your nerves, really, don't bother making conversation anymore cause i don't give a shit about how you feel about me.
I get what i deserve and you get your just desserts too.
I dislike hypocrites.
It was said to me "It's very hard to like you. By guys or girls alike."
I will remember this. Thanks for the reality check.
But at least i know that those who do really are the good stuff.
So, thanks, and apologies to V, to whom i made Thailand hell.
But you know well enough i wasn't entirely to blame.
Thailand is a closed chapter in my life now.
Don't even want to describe and remember my experience.Period.
On a lighter tone, in total, i bought:
5 ladies' shirts
3 mens' shirts
a pair of orange filp-flops
2 pairs of earrings (which my dog proceeded to chew up the first pair)
4 undies
a photo frame
a japanese lamp
a bottle of black nail polish
2 watches
a backpack
4 pairs of socks
2 tubes of counterpain cream
1 huge-ass comb
a handphone pouch
3 pink notebooks from Chulalongkorn U
candle holders
Cost me a whopping 200 SG bucks. YAY.