let me get it all out there.
this is long overdue.
i'm sure everyone is just waiting for this.
waiting for me to open my g'damn mouth.
here it is.
i miss evelyn.
ok? happy now?
when are we gonna go back to where we were?
this revelation comes cause i am so bored outta my wits now.
and everytime this happens, or frequent times when my mind wanders, i think of what we could be doing at that moment.
ktv-ing just the two of us, sitting, drinking coffee (thinking how she can drink such a terrible concoction of hazelnut latte).
everytime i step into a club, i think of chinablack and both of us sneaking 2 hours on a school day. and everytime i stop while the music goes on, i think that she belongs right there with us on the dancefloor. right there with me on the dancefloor.
how no starbuck store can be right without her being part of it.
how i cannot buy passion tea without feeling crappy. how i dont buy passion tea much anymore.
what is it gonna take? my wedding? cause it wouldn't be fucking right if she weren't in it.